Sunday, September 13, 2015

Antara hati dan akal

Mengapa hati dan akal tak pernah seiring..kata hati menagih kasih yg tak bertepi..kata akal merayu diri menjauh pergi..apalah naseb diriku ini..di lena di ulit mimpi..dilema di dalam diri..Di antara kata hati dan akal,aku tak pasti..mane yg boleh dipercayai..pada Mu tuhan aku serahkan diri..supaya diberi petunjuk yg hakiki..agar dpt ku pilih jalan yg pasti menuju Mu ya robbi..

Monday, March 23, 2015

Alhamdullilah...selesai segala urusan ari nie..Mari kita mulakan pembayaran!!!
Alhamdullilah...Amin ,selesai sudah.hope di terima.
Skrg nk settle kan PTPTN dulu..adoiii,kn g plaza rakyat, nk matikan stem..
Penat wei ari opis msuk nk baca,biar kan.esok menjawab laaaaa.
Hahhahahaha...yg penting happy (^_^)¥
Trying my luck here...bangsar.
Dh tau mmg xtau Java nk try jugak.kot2 la dpt post len..heheheh
Wish me luck ^_^¥


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Don't u know how hurt I''s too long but the memories still around..its wasn't a joke when I'm telling u the truth.but the answers really hurt me..deep in my heart..
too shy to admit..I'm a fool!!.very fool..
God pls help me !!!!only God have the answers~ GoCrazywitu

# Feelingcrazysekejapkillingmesoftlywiftissong😂😂
# everythinghappen4areason

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

New journey 4 my little sis

June 1, 2014
Rase mcm baru jer die masuk skool..mcm kecik jer ,xsangka mase berlalu dengan pantas.
kadang2 macam x boleh trima , rase die kecik jer lagi. pejam celik ..pejam celik...tup2 dh msuk universiti my little sis. seriously , mmg cam x pecaya. selalu balik kg die ade jer.tido pelok die.but start from now on...mesti dh jarang jumpa die. hope everything goes fine..really miss her.feeling sad, but this is life..

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Saya budak baru belajar

It has been a long time i did not write in this blog..what happen now???
I totally forgot on how to write a blog....
OMG!!! help me... pleaseeee

Seriously this is crazy..i can only update my blog using HTML code???
Oh NO!! there are a lot of thing i need to study now

Sunday, January 30, 2011


salam..hy kiroro...ape khabar.lamenyer kita x berbicarakan.heheh
sori laaa . aries sgt2 bz lately. sampai xde mase nk bukak page kiroro how. im really miss u tau.
Sekarg nie aries sedang sibuk menguruskan maklumla di tempat baru. diam x diam dh masuk bulan ke lapan sekarng nie.alhamdullilah...dh paham nature of work kt company tu..boleh la relax sikit.x macm mule2 masuk keje dulu..kelam kabut gak..sume keje nk urgent tp requirement x penahnyer lengkap...haishh. sekarg nie syukurla... dh boleh handle beberapa projek.
Citer pasal keje nie. teringat 1st day masuk keje kt company tu...1 hari duk macm org xbetol.tmpt pn xde lg.pc jgn ckp la .belom setup lg.mmg kelaka la..dh la x kenal org,team pulak sumenyer cha ya nun alif .xtau nk ckp ngn sapa..HR cume introduce kt manager jer. pastu manager pulak introduce kt team AP jer.pantry pon die x tunjukan kt mane.pandai2 ler carik sendiri. hai...duk melangok la smpai petg....dlm hati nie...menyumpah x mo keje kt situ.mmg xde ati nk wt cmner.sendiri yg pilih jalan nie..teruskan aje la..hehehe.
ok la..nex time sambung..nk g sahut panggilan illahi jap.hehhe :-h